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We’re wondering: How many books have our kids read THIS summer?

by Ellen Mantenfel, Literacy Coach at Oak Ridge School

During the summer of 2013, the students at the Oak Ridge School, grades 1-8 read a little
over 1600 books.  Very impressive, eh?

Of course, we want to do even better during the summer of 2014!

From March of 2014 to May 2014, we asked parents and staff to donate books for students
in grades K-6, so that they might be distributed during their Library Special during the
first week in June for take home and reading over the summer. Well over 1000 books of all
genres and levels were donated.  All students in grades K through 6 chose 1-2 books to
take home to read over the summer.

For the summer of 2014, students were provided with Reading Logs, so that we might
tabulate how many books were read by students in rising grades 1-6.  We anxiously await
those totals, and hope that it beats the previous total of 1600 books read during the summer of 2013.

We will have a special visitor (shhhh…it’s a surprise) on September 19th!

He’s green,
he wears a ball cap,
and he LOVES the Red Sox!
He will be here at Oak Ridge to help us celebrate our Summer Reading Initiative!!!

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