Latest News:

Transportation Update

by Dr. Richard Canfield

On Thursday, September 4, members of the school and district administration met with representatives from First Student, our transportation provider.  The purpose of the meeting  was to discuss those routes experiencing ridership levels that the district believes are not in the best interest of our students.  The first task was to review ridership counts that are collected daily, for every bus, at every school, morning and afternoon.  The next step was to identify, and confirm ridership issues, and to consider various means of remedying those issues.

A detailed plan to address the issues will be completed early next week, and meetings will be scheduled at the schools with those students whose ride buses will be adjusted.  Every effort to communicate changes very clearly and concisely to both students and parents.

The notification process will vary given age differences between 7-12 and K-6 students.  Those students impacted by any changes and their parents will be notified prior to implementing the changes.  The goal is to accomplish the changes by mid-week.   Further updates will be reported on Sandwich Learns Together.