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STEM ACADEMY: My Three Words

As they reflected on their first year as STEM Academy teachers, 8th grade English teachers Colleen Clabault and Colleen Thomas knew they wanted to provide their students with a special opportunity to celebrate and share their thoughts about their year as STEM Academy students. Mrs. Clabault and Mrs. Thomas had been teaching their students all year about the “power of words” so they knew that would be the focus of their reflection work.

Many are familiar with the Good Morning America Project: “MY THREE WORDS”  or the quote from Robert Frost: “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”― Robert Frost.  The teachers loved the idea of creating a My Three Words video that would include every 8th grade student at the STEM Academy.  Students loved the idea of establishing a special new STEM Academy tradition: The 8th Grade MY THREE WORDS – STEM ACADEMY video!

Nick Polidor, Sandwich Community Television intern and SHS graduate, filmed, edited and produced the video. It’s fun to think that some of the students featured in MY THREE WORDS- STEM ACADEMY might someday be able to share her or his skills with the STEM Academy 8th graders of the future!
