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STEM Science Advisory Board Presentation @ School Committee – February 11, 2015

Mr. Gil Newton, Director of the STEM Academy, introducing members of the Science Advisory Board

On February 11, 2015, the Sandwich School Committee met at Town Hall for a special presentation by members of the STEM Academy Science Advisory Board to announce a new opportunity for students in Sandwich.

A partnership between the Sandwich Public Schools and the Lewis Bay Research Center has been formed which will provide innovative and experiential learning opportunities for the students of Sandwich. The name of this new entity is The Institute of Marine Innovation, Research, and Sustainability. Several scientists and engineers from the STEM Science Advisory Board are the architects of this exciting set of programs designed to involve students throughout the district.

The powerpoint with the specifics of the work that will be done by the Institute and our students can be viewed and downloaded here: IMIRS – STEM presentation FINAL 2

The complete list of STEM Science Advisory Board Members and their affiliations can be viewed and downloaded here: STEM Science Board (3)

You can watch the entire presentation/school committee meeting here.   Note: the meeting begins at about 6:08. Q&A following the presentation is at 88:00.

Many thanks, as always to Sandwich Community Television for their efforts in filming at Town Hall and making meetings and presentations available both live and via their website:  It is such a service for residents to be able to watch and hear what is happening in town both in real time and at their convenience.

Dave DeConto, Sandwich Natural Resources Officer and Advisory Board Member

Dave DeConto, Sandwich Natural Resources Officer and Advisory Board Member

Mr. Steve Kramer speaking passionately about the opportunities for students in the STEM Academy, along with Dr. Eben Frank, chair of the Science Advisory Board

Mr. Steve Kramer speaking passionately about the opportunities for students in the STEM Academy, along with Dr. Eben Frank, chair of the Science Advisory Board