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7th Graders Taking Action on Behalf of a Global Problem

During the week of March 3 – 10, the seventh grade students will be collecting money to send to the organization, Water for South Sudan.  This organization drills wells for villages in South Sudan so people have access to clean, safe drinking water. With the support of the school community, the seventh grade student fundraiser “Cents for South Sudan” raised over $1,000 last year and we look forward to the same enthusiasm and support this year.

The current seventh graders just finished the book, A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park.  The book centers around two stories, — one about Nya, an 11 year-old girl who walks eight hours a day for water, and the other about Salva Dut, a Lost Boy, who fled his country because of civil war when he was 11. The book is one of tragedy and  triumph.  (If you are interested in reading it, please let us know.)  After coming to the United States, Salva Dut found out that his father, who was still living in Sudan, was gravely ill from drinking contaminated water. Luckily, Salva’s father was able to get medical care and recover, but from his own experiences as a Lost Boy and his father’s illness, Salva found his life’s purpose and created the organization, Water for South Sudan.

The book has transformed our students’ thinking by challenging them to view the world outside of their immediate location. It has opened their eyes to the problem of contaminated water around the world, the plight of the people of South Sudan, and the hours that girls and women spend walking for water.   They have made the connection that the more wells drilled, the more education becomes accessible to young girls and boys. They also know Salva’s work brings together fighting tribes by using members of different tribes on drilling teams.

Click to view our student – produced video: Cents for South Sudan

 To learn more about Salva Dut, you may watch his TEDx video, filmed in Boston last fall.http:

Please email Debbie Morris if you have any questions: