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New Schedule Coming to SHS for 2019-2020

Coming next year – a new schedule that will allow students enhanced opportunities for electives, Advanced Placement Classes –  and be immersed in core subjects from September to June. The schedule is a “7, drop one” which means that students sign up for 7 classes each semester, a combination of full year core or elective classes and some 1/2 year electives. Each day, 6 classes will meet; one is dropped and picked up the next day.  It is the schedule that many parents experienced in their glory days of high school.

Another feature is “Knight-Time” a midday opportunity for students to work with any teacher for enrichment work, and for students to work together with a teacher and classmates on projects. Students will create a schedule for Knight Time each week that will keep them on track. Many districts have implemented a similar block into their high school schedules, with great success. We are excited to be offering Knight Time to Sandwich High School students next year!

Principal Jim Mulcahy explains the new schedule in this video. Students have learned about it when scheduling; we are pleased to share this video from Mr. Mulcahy to explain it to families and community members.