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Appreciation of Joan Smith and 25 Years of Teaching in Sandwich

Forestdale Principal Chris Dintino shared the following remarks about Special Educator Joan Smith at the Employee Recognition Event in December 2019…..

Joan Smith

The one common theme you hear from staff regarding Joan is she is an amazing teacher, colleague and friend. 

She is an advocate for all students, not just students on her caseload. Her soft spoken, kind voice makes students feel comfortable and safe with her. 

She will drop everything to help out a fellow staff member . She is a great listener who supports her friends with advice on dealing with parents or just some personal struggles, Joan can find something positive about every student or situation in the building. 

She is known to search online for math games for teachers and just bring her friends back to reality when a colleague has a difficult day with a particular student. Her words of wisdom makes you reflect on why this student is displaying their behaviors. Joan was one of teachers to volunteer in our Co-Teaching model this year. Her ability to work with others is a model for all teachers. Forestdale School will be forever attached with Joan Smith’s smile and positive outlook each day.